About Nathalie

A little bit about me…


My name is Nathalie.

I consider myself an explorer and a life surfer… Few things bring me more satisfaction than exploring and trying out ways to  ride the waves of life with enthusiasm and joy. The diversity and challenges in my life have allowed me to make MANY  mistakes and I have done my best to learn from them while being grateful for my blessings.

I was born in France in the early 70’s and left when I was 19 to study in Cambridge (UK) for a year as an exchange student. I enjoyed the challenge of living abroad SO much that I never went back to live in France after that. I’ve actually lived more years of my life abroad than in France now.

After spending 3 years in England, 2 years in Spain, 1 year in Germany, 5 years in the US and almost 5 months in South Africa, I finally came to realize that “The Earth is one country and mankind its citizens”.

In 2003, I felt a deep urge to come back to Europe to be closer to my family and to start a family of my own with my then American husband. We moved to Belgium in 2004 and our beautiful son Adam was born 3 years later.

After a stormy divorce and a couple of years of reflection and learning, I was blessed to meet a beautiful soul named Koen in the summer of 2015.

We got married less than a year later and spent the following years sharing adventures together.

Early 2024, after spending more than 7 years learning from the challenges of our multicultural, multilingual and multi-generational marriage (Koen is Dutch and almost 20 years younger than I am), Koen and I decided to separate and go our own ways, opening up a new chapter in both our lives.

Such is life… doors opening, doors closing, doors opening… Sometimes, I wonder… Did I  make the right decisions? And then the answer comes “It’s all good… because I have LOVED.”

Where shall life take me next? I still have a lot of hopes and dreams to realize… One day at a time… 💚

Why I do what I do…

I dream of a world where everyone lives happily in harmony with themselves and their environment.

I also believe that we are all part of the same human family and that we are on this planet to help each other experience more and more loving kindness and joy.


Over the years, my insatiable curiosity and desire to make my dream come true have led me to explore various topics and avenues of self-development, self-improvement and self-expression.


Many people have been drawn to me and have asked for my help to face their own challenges. I have worked for more than 20 years as a teacher, a trainer and a coach, and sincerely enjoy sharing what I have explored and learned with anyone interested.


I believe we are all one. Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ (Lakota phrase that reflects a world view of interconnectedness).

Why this website…

Creating this website is a way for me to touch even more people, and I feel very excited about it!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

To our joy and happiness,


You will do well to have Nathalie as your coach. She is not only kind and compassionate but skilled in her gifts.

Kelly Anderson