
Experience More Physical,

Emotional and Mental Wellness

You will do well to have Nathalie as your coach. She is not only kind and compassionate but skilled in her gifts.

Kelly Anderson


Taking care of yourself and your loved ones has become a priority.

During these past few years, you probably experienced strong emotions being triggered by the current world affairs and your own private life: fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, longing…

I like to see this as an invitation to look at these emotions for your best interest. 

Below, please find examples of how I can help you experience some relief from the heavy emotional, physical and mental stress of the past few years.

Clarity Session

Recorded Sessions

If you are ready to invest in your well-being, contact me at to schedule a 60-minute Clarity Session with me to discuss your challenges and goals, and to see how you could benefit from one of my packages.  It would be a pleasure for me to guide you on this adventure.
Here is what we will do together in this session:
• Get really clear on your goals both short term and long term.
• I will diagnose the biggest obstacles that are stopping you.
• Tell you exactly what you should focus on to move forward.
• My best recommendation for strategy and the next steps you should take.
• My honest evaluation on what is possible for you and how far you can go based on your skills and goal.
• If you wish, this session can be recorded so that you have the ah ha moments, clarity and strategy right there at your fingertips, I guarantee you will want to listen again.
This amazing session is worth 997.

Your current financial reality does not allow you to invest in yourself at the moment? I have been there myself and can totally relate. The following free videos can support you on your journey to more financial ease.

  • the recording of a private coaching session I have been authorised to share. You will witness a powerful transformational process to increase your overall sense of calm and safety. Have a look at the teaser below on this page. 


After a Clarity Session, Fran, in Spain, says:
“I’ve been trying to build my businesses for way too long. Something’s standing in my way. Something that I can’t get rid of, and I’m pretty sure that’s me. So I worked on myself, I worked on personal development, goal setting and all of that. A few days ago, I received an email from Nathalie offering me to do a Clarity Session. I’ve worked with Nathalie before and I know how amazing a person she is, with such a big heart. So I jumped right in and I did the call. And I couldn’t be happier. Nathalie is an amazing coach. In just that short session, she helped me find out so much about myself, about my root problems, what was blocking me, how to get myself out of my own way. I’m going to continue to work with Nathalie, and I recommend anyone do the same. Thank you so much, Nathalie.”

After 1 online private coaching session, Fabriano, in Canada, writes (Fabriano allowed me to share the recording of her session. You can access it here):
“Nathalie, Thank you so much for the powerful session. Thank you for your support and holding space for me. It was amazing. It made a lot of sense of what I felt before. I felt more calm and in peace. I felt increasing worthiness and deservingness to believe in myself. Also reduced panic attack and mind racing. Thank you so much! I am super excited to see how things are shifting this week.”
A few month later, Fabriano writes again:
“Hello Nathalie, Thank you so much!! I really appreciate what you did for me. I am doing well. I am glad that I am feeling so much better now. My health is improving as well. Thank you so much for the amazing work! I really appreciate your help.”

After 1 online private coaching session, Kelly, in the United States, writes:
“You will do well to have Nathalie as your coach. She is not only kind and compassionate but skilled in her gifts. Nathalie took me through a healing process that allowed me insight and breakthrough on an issue that I had been holding down for over 50 years and has kept me from enjoying being myself and shining in my own right. A weight has been lifted from my soul and I am forever grateful to Nathalie.”

After 3 online private coaching sessions, Joanna, in Switzerland, writes:
” J’ai demandé à Nathalie de m’accompagner dans une plongée au cœur de moi-même pour libérer mes nœuds émotionnels et rencontrer mon enfant intérieur. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la douceur infinie de Nathalie ainsi que sa grande empathie et son attitude très respectueuse. Les différentes visualisations m’ont aidée à comprendre d’où venaient certains blocages et quelles étaient les croyances qui m’empêchaient d’avancer. Ces prises de conscience m’ont donné le déclic pour oser plus prendre position et faire respecter mes besoins et mes droits. “

After 6 online private emotional detox delight and transformation sessions, Michaela, in Germany, writes:
“I’m amazed by this process on so many different levels.
On a physical level I feel grounded and more ‘in my body’ after each session. I feel energy flowing more easily. I have always had trouble standing on my toes. In yoga class I am always the first one wobbling around and coming down off my toes. Even as a trained dancer and throughout my school time it was something I struggled with, I was always wobbly. After about the third session with you, I was dancing around the kitchen with my kids and went up on my toes and noticed that I didn’t have any problems staying up. I realised I could hold that position, staying up on my toes, strong, for a long time. Amazing!
I’m so grateful that I could revisit some really difficult times in my life in a safe way and finally deal with how they affected me. I feel freed from their shackles.
I feel much clearer in my thoughts and able to focus on my goals.
Spiritually, it feels so good to honour myself, to acknowledge and give love to all parts of me. I have learned to scoop up into my arms all my shadows and darkness and love them for being part of the beautiful creation that is me.
Throughout these journeys to my shadows, I have had many ‘a-ha’ moments in relation to my own children. By understanding the grief and sadness and shame that resulted from experiences in my life as a child and as an adult, I have made drastic changes to how I parent and it has had a profound effect on my relationship with my children, bringing us closer together and improving their behaviour. As my behaviour improved, their behaviour improved! These changes were basically to do with loving them fully no matter what they do, accepting all their emotions as the truth of their being in that moment, so they don’t feel shame and don’t feel like they have to hide any side of them.
It’s great to receive the tapping script after each session to help continue the practice at home. “

VIP Sessions

Physical, Emotional & Mental
Wellness Adventure


* Journey designed to meet your needs

* Online or in-person

* Free access to group sessions and replays

Contact me to discuss your needs
+32-485-027-734 –


Group Sessions

 Physical, Emotional & Mental
Wellness Adventure


* 15-session journey

* Online or in-person

* Free access to group replays (online sessions)


€ 5995 (+ VAT)/person