
How Can I be Happy in Life? Sharing my Personal Views…

The pursuit of happiness…

Have you ever wondered “Why can’t I be happy in life?” or “How could I be even happier?”

Is there really such a thing as happiness? And if so, how can I be happy in life, “concretely”?

Join me here and now as I share my personal views and some of my favorite quotes on happiness in this article.

Put on your explorer hat as you may find new doors to enter and new territories to explore…

Can I be Happy in Life?

When we look within ourselves and around us, it is easy to see a lot of unhappiness. Do we actually personally know ANYONE who is truly happy ALL the time? In these circumstances, it is easy to come to the conclusion that constant happiness is unattainable.

At the same time, many people, including myself, do not want to give up. We engage into the pursuit of happiness, trying out various ways to reach our goal: spirituality and religion, meditation, yoga, self-expression, self-improvement, self-realization, service… but do we really know what happiness actually is?

How can I be happy in life

What is Happiness?

Happiness means so many different things to different people but most of us would agree that happiness is linked with how we feel inside. And most of us would link happiness with the feeling of Joy.

To me Joy can be a lot easier to identify. When I feel joy, I generally smile or laugh, my eyes are shining, and time flies.

So, here is my question to you… What brings YOU joy? What makes your eyes shine and your mouth smile? When do you forget all about time? Is it when you listen to music or play an instrument? Is it when you are with the people you love? Is it when you are praying or meditating? Please share your answers with me in the comments.

How can I be happy in life

Happy Life Quotes: Happiness and Joy

Happiness and Joy have been topics of discussion and reflection for centuries. Here are some of my favorite quotes. What are YOUR favorite happiness quotes? Please share them with me in the comments.

Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness.‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.Guillaume Apollinaire

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.Helen Keller

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.Aristotle

All men seek one goal : success or happiness. The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society. First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal-a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.Aristotle

It’s the moments that I stopped just to be, rather than do, that have given me true happiness.Richard Branson

Go on and share YOUR favorite happiness quotes with me in the comments.

How can I be happy in life

My Personal Experience of Joy and Happiness

Over the years, I have been blessed to make many mistakes and learn from them. I was also blessed with the ability to learn from other people’s experiences, which did save me a lot of trouble! Combined with an eternal enthusiasm for learning and an experimental mind, I have learned many things in many areas of life, including that of happiness and joy.

This post is too short to give more details but I shall share more about my quest, my findings and my reflections on later posts, in the hope that it may serve you to progress on YOUR personal quest to experience more joy and happiness in your life.

There is a joyful song I learned a few years ago which goes like this: “The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. And the way to be happy is to make others happy and to bring a little heaven down here.” I was looking for it on YouTube and found out that this was an adaptation from a children’s song with slightly different lyrics, but close enough… enjoy!

I do believe that making others happy may be ONE way to be happy. I also believe there are other ways. I invite you to join me on this quest to explore and experience more and more happiness. I truly believe that Joy is a guide in our life. I invite you to experiment various ways to experience more Joy and to share the results of your experimentation in the comments.

In the process of doing research to write this article, I came across a very interesting website called “The Pursuit of Happiness – Bringing the science of happiness to life” which you may enjoy exploring too. Let me know in the comments if you enjoy this site and if you would recommend other sites on the topic of happiness.

How can I be happy in life

Stop Pursuing, Start Enjoying…

Words we use have so much power… the very expression “the pursuit of happiness” implies the act of going after something that we do not have yet.

Maybe it is time to stop “pursuing” happiness? Maybe it is time to start enjoying it every time we experience it, even if it is for just a few seconds? And when we do so, to “program” ourselves for more by asking “How do I get more of this?”

So here is my earlier question again: What brings YOU joy? What makes your eyes shine and your mouth smile? When do you forget all about time? And what could you do to do more of it? Please share your answers with me in the comments.

I would like to end this article by sharing a happy song with short and simple happy lyrics : “Be Happy” by Max Weigert.

In my next article “Can you be happy in life? Looking for guidance…“, I shall look at some of the guidance already available out there to guide us on our quest…

To our happiness!


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54 thoughts on “How Can I be Happy in Life? Sharing my Personal Views…”

  1. Hi Nathalie, fantastic post !! I really like the subject of this post, who wouldn’t right?? The “happy ” video and the quotes from Baha’i writings are really awesome as well.The things that make me happy and make time slip away are the things I really love doing like working on my own blog(writing etc),being on the sea under power or sail(still dreaming of buying a yacht) and playing guitar or drums on my own or with others or along with youtube music!! The most important “thing” that brings me happines,true pure joy and peace is my relationship with God and his son Jesus Christ.Even though I have my struggles at times,this is one relationship I hold above everything else.Great post Nathalie!!

    1. Hello Billy,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment here. And thank you also for your kind words of appreciation.

      So you’re a writer, a sailor and a musician? Nice mix!

      Oooh! It’s so beautiful how you put it, that the most important “thing” that brings you happiness, true pure joy and peace is your relationship with God and Jesus Christ. Beautiful! I love seeing deep faith in others too. 🙂 I totally agree with you! God’s love in my life has been the rock I could rely on in times of struggles.

      All the best to you and your loved ones for 2019,


  2. Humans are always in constant pursuit of happiness, it is an evidence of being alive however just like every human need the quest and desire for happiness can never be satisfied the happier we get the more happier we want to be. The good thing is that unlike other human needs hapiness is a state of mind and is free to all. we all possess that inert characteristics of being happy

    It is our duty to make ourselves happy and be happy at all times irrespective of situations and circumstances around us we have a choice and it is to be happy, what is all of our lifes struggle worth without happiness. One of my favourite quotes about happiness is the one by Aristotle that says “All men seek one goal : success or happiness. ……….”

    It’s time to stop pursuing and start Enjoying.

    Thanks for this wonderful piece I’ve learnt alot.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment here, Zuchii.

      Yes! I like how you put it, that happiness is a state of mind and free to all. 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom here with me. You sound like a very happy person. It must be really nice to be in your company. 🙂

      All the best to you and your loved ones for 2019,


  3. Hi Nathalie. Happiness according to me is being in the moment. Enjoying every moment of your life. Happiness means going with the flow of life. Happiness means having faith in the Universe or God to look after you. I feel that when a person is not happy , it is an indicator that they themselves do not know what they want in life. I agree with you , we shouldn’t pursue happiness but feel happy about whatever we have got in our life. 

    1. Hello Priya,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment here. 🙂

      Yes! Being in the moment, going with the flow and having faith in the Universe or God to look after us! 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your personal views with me.

      All the best to you and your loved ones in 2019,


  4. I liked your article, inspirational and full with good mood. You are so wise saying that you have been blessed with many mistakes. Many of us, including me, I find it hard to accept that a mistake is a chance to learn and grow. We tend to see the mistakes as the end of life or like something worse.

    I agree I feel happy when helping others. When I feel down, yoga it’s one of the things which keeps me on the line. Happiness should surround us and small things like a blooming flower, or a child’s smile are great sources of happiness.

    1. Thanks a lot for taking the time to leave your comment here, Dany. And thank you for your kind words too.

      Yes! Yoga, a blooming flower and a child’s smile! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.


  5. Hi there,

    I find joy in praising God…I really love singing and dancing.  I do this every day and it keeps me in a good mood.  This was not always the case when I was younger.  Then I only sang when I felt like it.  Mood swings caused by a hormonal imbalance were more normal for me than not.

    I had to grow and develop my sunny side.  And now everyone knows me as being a joyful person who likes to make people laugh.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Stella,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment here.

      I love to praise God, sing and dance too! What do YOU like to sing and dance to?

      Many blessings,


  6. Hello!

    Very interesting article about happiness and I agree with your thoughts.There are really a lot of people who are just not happy but I think it`s all in our heads, we have to clear this in our minds. If we are healthy and we have food and drink and there is no war…why we should want something we can`t reach and being frustrated with this…

    I know, we are humans and this is in our nature but sometimes we really should stop and think about things, if everything is really so bad as it seems, cause in fact it isn`t.

    keep up the good work!

    1. Hello Luke,

      Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment here.

      Yes, I like the way you put it when you say “If we are healthy and we have food and drink and there is no war… why we should want something we can`t reach and being frustrated with this…”. I totally agree with you.

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. They are much appreciated.



  7. Nathalie, Hello! Imagine that I am already happy, which means that I am happy to read your article. Why are you asking us about happiness? Why do you write such spiritual articles? Why do you get so many enthusiastic feedback and comments? 

    Apparently happiness arises from the warmth of human communication. Then the next interesting question: Is unhappy a lonely person? I think that is not necessary. After all, alone, he leads a dialogue. His thinking apparatus does not know the stop. 

    He appeals to the Higher Power or to himself, leads conversations with relatives and distant ones. Thus, the thought process itself is already happiness. And its settings will fill happiness with constantly existing content. 

    Nathalie, like you, I try to be understood. Hope this worked out. Thank you so much for keeping the good moments. 

    I will share your article, I love to read your articles. Mark.

    1. Hello Mark,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me here. I really appreciate!

      It’s great to hear that you are already happy. Beautiful! 🙂

      Thank you also for your kind words and for sharing my article. It means a lot to me. 🙂

      I hope you get a chance to read my other articles and share your thoughts with me about them too. 🙂

      Many blessings,


  8. Reading your post made me to remember the movie pursuit of happiness by willsmith. It is one of my favorite movies. Everyone of us differ on what actually makes us to be happy, fulfilled or even live in the moment. Personally I am more relaxed and feel some level of joy when I am playing games and having fun.

    Also something I think brings joy to a lot of people and including myself is when I lend a helping hand to someone else especially kids. I feel a great level of joy when I help kids and it actually ends up making my day which makes me to now look for any slight opportunity that would enable me give a lending hand to a kid. It is just great when you see that smile on their faces and it is a feeling we all need to have.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment here, Jay.

      It’s funny you mention that movie… I came across it when doing research for this blog post and later wrote a review of it. 🙂 You can find it here:

      Yes! Playing games and having fun! And you make a very important point too when you mention helping others. I am planning to write several articles about the Joy to help/serve. I published one a few days ago about house and pet sitting. You can find it here:

      I have myself done a lot of volunteer work in the past 20 years, including with children, in addition to my teaching work and my life as a mother. More recently, I also got trained as a Junior Youth Group Animator and animated a Junior Youth Group for 2 years. Maybe you could get involved in this type of initiative in your neighborhood? Where do you live? The training is offered for free by the Baha’i community to anyone who sincerely wants to help “junior youth” (between the ages of 12 and 15). You can have a look at a video on youtube here:

      I completely agree with you! It is great when we see a smile on their face! I LOVE that feeling! And I hope you can experience it as often as you wish!

      Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you get in touch with the Baha’i community in your neighborhood if you feel interested in finding out more about this program in your area. They also give free training to help younger children.

      Many blessings,


  9. Thanks Natalie for sharing your idea of happiness. To me I think happiness is to be contented with our situation, no matter how it seems to be. We are constantly either letting the past define us, or striving to a certain goal in the future. The presence, becomes like a platform bridging our past to future, and not many of us that are truly living at the presence.

    So I think, happiness is when you are enjoying the people around you, looking at the nature and be amazed at the creation, enjoy the breeze as it blows… Whatever you do, enjoy the presence. 

    1. You are very welcome, Grace. Thank YOU for sharing your opinion here.

      Yes, I agree with you. Happiness is to be content with our situation, no matter how it seems to be… I love the way you put it: “be amazed at the creation, enjoy the breeze as it blows…” very poetic!

      I hope you come back to read other articles on Nathalieu and share your thoughts with me. 🙂


  10. Thank you for a lovely article and one many people would read.

    It only takes a few seconds for a negative thought to manifest in our heads that can take happiness away and put us in bad moods.

    I now try and think what have I gained or changed by not being happy? We have a choice to be offended at someones actions but at the end of the day it can’t change the moment as its past.

    for me laughter with friends and family make me happy and also passing the time of day with a stranger.

    When I adjust not feeling it I go for nice walk in the local woods and fields with my dog and being in nature just helps me refresh myself and give me the feeling of contentment.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Darren.

      Yes, I agree with you, we have a choice to be offended or not… and that choice only takes a few seconds… just a few seconds between being in a bad mood or feeling happy…

      Oh, I can completely understand how going for a nice walk in the local woods and fields with you dog and being in nature can give you the feeling of contentment. I do dot have a dog myself at the moment but I LOVE being in nature, especially in the woods. 🙂

      I hope you get to enjoy other articles on my blog and share your thoughts with me.


  11. Great post and good info. 

    Actually, personally I think happiness can be found everywhere, even in the smallest things. 

    But when you ask people what makes them happy, a lot will say: money, a car and those material stuff. 

    Which in that I don’t agree, happiness is the feeling, love, friendship, family, nothing materialistic, because that isn’t tend to be forever. 

    Anyway, I love this post so I will share it. 

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, Emmanuel!

      Yes, I agree with you, happiness is the feeling, love, friendship, family…

      Thank you for sharing this post. I hope the people you shared it with enjoyed it. 🙂


  12. Hey Natalie,

    This was a very great article. It made me realize that I have never sat down and actually thought about what exactly gives me pure joy and happiness. After deep thought, I have come up with a list of things that give me joy. This list consists of gratitude, being present in the moment, inspiring and teaching others, learning, and being in sync with my spirituality and beliefs. I feel like making sure you do things that give you joy are important as well. Sometimes we become so busy with life that we forget to do things on our list that brings us joy.

    I also think it’s amazing that the cause of somebody’s happiness can be completely different for someone else. Like there isn’t just one recipe for happiness. After reading this, I am encouraged to focus more on what makes me happy, and to do more of these things.

    1. Hello Jasmine,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment here.

      It’s awesome that you have come up with this beautiful list of things that give you joy! I so totally relate to each one of these things on your list!

      It warms my heart to read that after reading my post you are encouraged to focus more on what makes you happys and do more of these things!! Beautiful!

      I wish you LOTS of joy and happiness, dear Jasmine! 🙂

      Many blessings,


  13. Hi Nathalie, I used to be much more happy than I am now. I notice this by the way I look on things and people and how I speak to myself..and I don’t like it. And I think your article shed a light on what I am doing wrong – I am pursuing happiness instead of just enjoying. I am constantly thinking, calculating, overthinking..I cannot shut my brain of and just be.

    I was never good meditating but maybe I should give it a try. What would be the best way to get into it? Do I just sit still and try to make my mind blank? Are there different ways of meditating?

    1. Hello Katya,

      Thank you very much for taking the time to leave your comment here.

      I admire your sincerity when you say that you notice that you used to be much happier than you are now.

      What would be the best way to get into meditation? That’s a great question! There are different types of meditation… Personally, when I started trying to meditate, it stressed me out to think that the “goal” was for my mind to go “silent”… In my personal experience, focusing on the here and now (mindfulness) has been easier and has helped me relaxed more, which was MY goal… relaxation… 🙂 Not “silencing” the mind, but “slowing it down” and focusing on the here and now… “higher” levels of meditation are not part of my objectives at the moment… 🙂

      So, if relaxation is good for you, you could try guided meditation… when you listen to someone speak and follow their instructions… that’s usually good…

      You can try find guided meditation online here.

      ANd/or you could also try to focus on the here and now (mindfulness)… anything body sensations, sounds, etc. that are happening at the moment you meditate…

      You can also access free tutorials on mindfulness here..

      I hope that helps. Please do let me know if you try one of these. I’m curious to hear more about your personal journey going forward. 🙂

      Many blessings, dear Katya.


  14. Hi Nathalie, just reading this article makes me happy.  Like you, I have had some huge challenges in my life, and now I am a happy woman. It’s not that I don’t have challenges any more, it is that I have learned that they come to teach and to leave us. I also learned that true happiness comes, not from material things or having everything be right all the time, but from an inner joy that no one can take away. It makes us grow, and it makes us strong. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

    1. Hello JJ,

      Thank you so much for leaving your comment.

      I’m glad to hear that just reading this article makes you happy. You do sound like you have a certain experience and wisdom. 🙂

      You are right! It’s not that the challenges are not there anymore. It’s our attitudes towards them and life in general that makes the difference.

      Yes! I love the way you put it: “true happiness comes, not from material things or having everything be right all the time, but from an inner joy that no one can take away.”

      Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts with me.

      Many blessings,


  15. Sujandar Mahesan

    This article really made me think about what is happiness and how nowadays people have found different definition for it and not living a happy life. 

    The important thing I love in this website are the happiness and joy quotes. For me they are really motivational and also inspiring.

    Thank you for sharing this article with me.

    1. Thank you for leaving your comment, Sujandar. And thank you also for your kind words of appreciation.

      Glad to hear that you enjoyed the happiness and joy quotes. I’m curious… which is your favorite?

      Many blessings,


  16. I agree with Aristotle!

    Happiness is the GOAL. For me Personal Freedom makes me happy! The ability to be myself and do things MY way!

    It brings a smile to my heart when I complete a task that I thought up myself and finished. Whether it be job related (and I have done many things) or even as simple as tying a fishing knot correctly LOL. Being able to decide what comes next is a fabulous feeling!

    Being grateful for what you have right now in the present makes every day glow!

    onward n upward

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your personal view with me, Captdennis.

      Oh, yes! I totally agree with you! The ability to be myself and do things MY way makes me very happy too! 🙂 And being grateful for what you have right now in the present makes my days glow too!

      What you mention about completing a task that you thought up yourself is also very meaningful. Have you ever heard about Democratic Education? Summerhill? Sudbury Schools? They include this concept into the kids’ education, and a few others, that, to me, are essential to feeling joy and happiness.


  17. Salut Nathalie,

    Cette réflexion et ce texte font écho à un échange par mail que nous avons eu. Je réagis en français car j’ai peur de ne pas pouvoir exprimer clairement le fond de ma pensée en anglais.

    J’aime bien cette citation que j’ai déjà entendu plusieurs fois “Il n’y a point de chemin vers le bonheur. Le bonheur, c’est le chemin” de Lao tseu.

    Après ce n’est jamais une question évidente. Je reste convaincu qu’il y a moyen d’adapter son esprit pour moins se focaliser sur les difficultés de la vie et du quotidien et se libérer de toute une série de petites charges négatives. J’apprécie d’ailleurs la citation d’Helen Keller dans ton texte et qui va selon moi dans ce sens.

    Je crois qu’un ouvrage tel que “Le Pouvoir du Moment Présent” d’Eckhart Tolle est un réel guide pour transformer sa perception du monde et du temps, qui devrait nous permettre de faire un pas de plus vers plus de légèreté et, par conséquent, de bonheur.

    A côté de ça, je crois qu’il y a quelques ingrédients qui renforce cette démarche : l’altruisme, l’attention portée à ce et à ceux/celles qui nous entourent, l’attention portée à son équilibre intérieur, le repos, la contemplation, …

    Quant à la permanence de ce ressenti de joie ou de bonheur… certains prétendent qu’elle est possible. Moi je n’y suis pas encore arrivée, mon esprit reste encore perturbé par trop de contraintes ? Mais l’important… n’est-ce pas le chemin ?

    Bonne journée à toi, à celles et ceux qui nous lisent, et bonne continuation dans tes démarches inspirantes !


    1. Salut Michael,

      Oui ! Tout à fait ! Finalement, la voilà ta réponse à mon dernier email. 😉

      Merci sincèrement pour ton commentaire et tes encouragements !

      Oui ! “Le Pouvoir du Moment Présent” d’Eckhart Tolle est un excellent livre que… je n’ai pas encore lu ! Incroyable ! Et pourtant ça fait “une éternité” que j’en entends parler… je vais voir si je le trouve en livre audio pour dans la voiture… 🙂

      Personellement, j’adore “Aimer ce qui Est” de Byron Katie… d’ailleurs Eckhart Tolle en dis la chose suivante : « Le Travail de Byron Katie est une bénédiction pour la planète. La source première de notre souffrance est l’identification que nous avons avec nos pensées, ces ‘scénarios‘ qui accaparent sans cesse notre mental. Le Travail de Byron Katie agit tel un rasoir au cœur même de cette illusion et vous permet de connaître l’éternelle essence de votre être. Vous retrouvez votre état naturel : la joie, la paix, et l’amour. »

      Tu l’as lu ?

      À bientôt,


  18. Hi Nathalie! I think you’re on the right track when you talk about joy and ask what makes each person joyful. A while ago I made a list of things that make me happy. It includes spending time in nature, dancing, participating in a kirtan, spending time with my friends, playing music and singing (especially with other people, and performing to an audience), doing and making things with my hands, physical activities (especially in nature), reading, etc. I figured one way to happiness would be to make choices that make sure I get to do those things as much as possible in my life.
    Also service to others and making other people happy is one piece of the puzzle I think.
    And here is something else I just came across in an email: “Being honest with yourself and others is the only way to experience true lasting joy, happiness and connection, no matter what the nature of the relationship. ”

    1. Hello dear Maria!

      Thank you so much for your comment!

      Yes! I agree! Being honest with ourselves and others is critical! 🙂

      There is a quote from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá which says “Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues. Without truthfulness progress and success, in all the worlds of God, are impossible for any soul. When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also be acquired.”

      I had always thought that he referred to truthfulness with/towards others. After reading your comment, it became clear to me that it may especially refer to truthfulness with oneself first… 🙂 Thank you for helping me get more clarity on this. 🙂

      Blessings to you too, dear Maria. May your day be nice and sweet!


    1. Hello Margaret,

      Interesting question… I believe happiness is somewhat more in the background and joyfulness in the foreground… I can feel happy while not joyful, but it seems to me that every time I feel joyful I also feel happy.

      How about you? What are YOUR thoughts about the relationship between Happiness and Joyfulness?

      Much love,


  19. Hi Nathalie!

    Congratulations on your first blog post! Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts to the world.
    For me, happiness is a choice of being. Joy is a vibration that we experience when we play, laugh, joke, the vibration of our inner child. It’s an extremely healing vibration. Happiness, is a state of being we can activate just by choice. So it’s not something to pursue, it’s just something to be.
    Well, those are my thoughts 🙂

    Much much success with your blog and keep bringing joy all around you!

    Love and blessings,

    1. Hello Vy,

      Thank you for your comment and for sharing your personal view about happiness and joy with me. I like the concept of happiness being a choice and joy a vibration. It resonates with me.

      Love and blessings to you too,


  20. Félicitation pour cet article sur le bonheur, Cela fait du bien . Vous avez raison les mots sont très important. bonne continuation

    1. Thank you so much for your support and for sharing this article with me, dear Véronique! Very interesting!! 🙂

      Much love and light to you too,


  21. Dear Nathalie, thanks for sharing your happiness with us !
    For me happiness is what people sometimes describe as one of these Aha moments that come and go in our lives without too many explanations.
    The secret is to be able to make them stay forever or at least come back when we want to.
    My recepie is a mixture of bliss and gratitude while anchoring myself deeply in the present moment… and it works, all the time !

    1. My pleasure, dear John!

      My apologies for not approving your previous comment sooner and thank you so much for making the effort to try a second time. 🙂

      You mention 2 new concepts in this second comment of yours: bliss and the fact that your recipe works for you all the time. I LOVE the concept of bliss and also “tricks” that work all the time. 🙂 I do believe that happiness can be like a chemical reaction… when you mix vinegar and baking soda, for example, you always get a foamy reaction… it’s great to hear that you have found that mixing bliss and gratitude while anchoring yourself deeply in the present moment always allows you to experience aha moments and happiness!! 🙂 May you experience many of these today and every day for the rest of your life. 🙂

  22. Dear Nathalie, thanks for sharing these thoughts of happiness with us !
    My view of happiness is what some people refer as these Ahah moment that come and go without real explanation. The real secret of happiness is to be able to catch one of these moments of total bliss, and to make it last forever, or at least be able to recreate it at will.
    I have discovered that gratitude and being totaly immerged in the present moment are my personal keys to such feelings…

    Good luck !


    1. Thank you so much for sharing your view of happiness with me, dear John.

      Yes! Gratitude, being totally immersed in the present moment and ahah moments! Great recipe for happiness and joy!!

      Looking forward to sharing some of these moments with you on this blog and in person. 🙂


    1. Hello Markus.

      Thank you so much for your support. It is much appreciated. 🙂

      I am already working on the next article. It is called “Can you be happy in life? Looking for guidance…”

      I hope you will like it.

      Have a beautiful day,


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